Monday, September 20, 2010

Im thinking about you...

I'm thinking about you like shampoo thinks about conditioner, like hair thinks about being brushed, like toothbrushes think about teeth. I'm thinking about you like cars think about driving and airplanes think about flying. I'm thinking about you like football players think about football, like basketball players think about basketball, like bowlers think about bowling. I'm thinking about you like teachers think about teaching and students think about doing anything but learning. I'm thinking about you like closets think about clothes, like money thinks about cash registers, like pockets think about lint. I'm thinking about you like clouds think about rain and winter thinks about snow. I'm thinking about you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

love is...

10. Love is a team sport (there's wins and losses but in the end people are brought together)
9. love is a rap song
8. love is a barfight (sometimes all you need is a punch in the face)
7. love is an ocean
6. love is a flat tire (needs to be worked on)
5. love is a winding road
4. love is cotton candy (could dissolve overtime)
3. love is a big city
2. love is a new recipe (you never know how it will turn out)
1. love is a wish
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

my pen name

I chose the dr. as my pen name because when I was younger and was assigned to read it was always his books. He's a creative writing visionary