Wednesday, September 15, 2010

love is...

10. Love is a team sport (there's wins and losses but in the end people are brought together)
9. love is a rap song
8. love is a barfight (sometimes all you need is a punch in the face)
7. love is an ocean
6. love is a flat tire (needs to be worked on)
5. love is a winding road
4. love is cotton candy (could dissolve overtime)
3. love is a big city
2. love is a new recipe (you never know how it will turn out)
1. love is a wish
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  1. Love does dissolve over time. I know. I have experience with it. Not fun. So I totally know what you are saying.

  2. Love is a wish, that is really good.

  3. I really like number made me smile!

  4. I love the cotton candy one! Its funny.

  5. love is a wish, i like that. good creativity.
